Dream with me: What do you wish your school had been?

Today, I invite you to dream along with me. Think back to your time in school, whether that’s decades back or back to this morning. What was it like for you? Was it joyful? Was it satisfying? Did you find it empowering?

Now, throw out everything you know about school and dream. Close your eyes. Imagine what you would have loved to spend your childhood and adolescent years doing.

  • What would you have spent your days doing?

  • What would you have been passionate about?

  • What would you have wanted to know about, and how would you have found it out?

  • Who would you have spent your days with?

Give yourself some time to really imagine the texture of this childhood. Be gentle with yourself. Depending on the realities of your own childhood, this may bring up some very strong emotions, especially if school was a traumatic experience. Get the support you need. Take some time to journal, or simply meditate.

Now, if you’re still with me and feeling stable, continue your dreaming. Imagine a space built just to support you and other children.

  • What would the physical space have looked like? Felt like?

  • What would the structure of the day have been like? The year?

  • Who would be in the space?

  • What would adults there have done to support you?

  • How would all the participants in this space been in community with each other?

  • How would you celebrate each other?

  • How would you support each other?

These are questions I’ve been asking myself for years and years, in fact, for my entire life, but I’ve rarely heard about the dreams of others. Please, ask yourself, and then share in the comments. If you don’t want to share publicly, contact me privately to share. Really, I want to know. If you are open to exploring deeper with me, please be sure to include this in your comment.